(Feast of the Ypapanti whose feast is February 2nd)

Contact: Dina Cook, President.

Membership open to: Women, at least 18 years old who love to promote love and charity.  Also open to men who love to promote love and charity. (Men are non-voting associate members)

Fee: Annual Stewardship with $15 going to the National Philoptochos and $10 going to the Metropolis Philoptochos

Meetings are held: Monthly from September to May.

Philoptochos Schedule

Purpose: Philoptochos is a nationally chartered organization assisting those in need on an international, national, and local level.  The Cathedral’s Ypapanti Chapter supports the many activities within the parish, both through member volunteer time as well as financial means. The organization is active primarily in charitable programs and activities.

Activities:  Activities in the past have included a membership dinner, Gifts of Love, bake sales, pastry preparation for the annual Atlanta Greek Festival, social services activities, raffles, membership tea's, Christmas charity, Epitaphion collection, coordinating Sunday coffee hour, various outings and events throughout the year.

Phanouropita Recipe