Click HERE to give to the Annual Fund.

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Contact:  Adam Greenwood, Head of School at 404-565-2850

Enrollment: 2 years old through 8th Grade. (Approx. 160 students)

Click HERE for Day School Calendar

Tour Information - Contact Sophia Tsiotsias or call the Annunciation Day School Office at 404-565-2850 to schedule a tour.


(St. Basil Patron Saint whose feast day is January 1st)

Contact:  Kalliopi Tsikourika, Coordinator at 301-300-8010.

Enrollment: Kindergarten through Ellinomathia B1.  Children must be 5 years of age by September 1st of enrollment year.

Kindergarten through Ellinomathia B1 $1050 per child annually (Monthly payment available)

Classes meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00-6:00pm (times may very according to level) from September through May.

Registration with Annual payment option before September 1st will received a $50 discount.

Tuition does not cover book fees

Click HERE for the Annunciation Afternoon Greek School Calendar

Purpose: To learn basics of Greek language and to communicate in Greek, while developing and cultivating awareness of the Hellenic culture and heritage in an Orthodox Christian environment.


(St. Phillip the Deacon Patron Saint whose feast day is October 11th)

Contact: Susan Marinos, Coordinator at 404-633-5870 or Fr. Paul or Fr. Christos at 404-633-5870

Enrollment:  2 Year old to 12th grade - 2 years of age by September 1st of enrollment year.
Classes are held: August through May. Faculty and staff attend seminars and monthly meetings.

Tuition:  $30.00 per family.

Purpose: To cultivate within our children the Orthodox Christian way of life.

Activities: The entire Sunday School participates in many events throughout the year:  Agiasmo, Dedication Day, Godparents Sunday, special class projects for the Sights & Sounds Festival which is held in conjunction with the Oratorical Festival, and our annual Group Communion and Making of Palm Crosses on Saturday of Lazarus.

Special yearly Events such as the Nativity Pageant and Processions on the Sunday of Orthodoxy & the Sunday of the Holy Cross include participants from PreKC thru 12th Grades.  The Oratorical Festival includes participants from the 7th-12th Grades

Registration begins July 1st. Please register your child(ren) by July 31st so our teachers can prepare for their classes and students will be included on the class rosters in August.

Sunday School Calendar

Sunday School Parent Handbook 2024-2025


(St. John Chrysostom whose feast day is November 13th)

Contact: Fr. Paul or Fr. Christos at 404-633-5870 for ideas on classes.

Contact: Ginnie Roglin at 404-633-5870 for help with food preparation.

Participation: open to all Parish Families and individuals of all ages.

Fee:  None for classes.   

Activities: The first semester of Wednesday NITE Life begins on the first Wednesday after Labor Day in September and goes until the second week in December.  The second semester beings on the first Wednesday after Epiphany and continues until the Wednesday before Memorial Day, with time off during Holy Week/Bright Week. There are many classes scheduled including understanding various elements of the Orthodox Faith, “Road to Orthodoxy” Inquirer/Convert class, "Journey to Oneness" Premarital Seminar, Godparent and Parents Seminar and Bereavement Ministry.


Contact: Fr. Paul or Fr. Christos at 404-633-5870

Participation open to: Those interested in converting to Orthodoxy and parishioners interested in furthering their knowledge of the Orthodox faith.

Meetings are held: As part of our Wednesday NITE Life Series there are fourteen classes conducted each semester on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. on line, as part of our Wednesday NITE Life program. Individual consultations may also be scheduled if the need arises.

Fee: None

Purpose: To prepare a Candidate for conversion to the Orthodox faith and to further enhance the spirituality of our parishioners.

Activities: An introduction to the Orthodox faith through presentations, readings, video presentations, and discussions along with a church tour.


Contact: Fr. Paul or Fr. Christos at 404-633-5870

Participation: Required for all couples planning to be married at our Cathedral.

Seminars are held: As part of our Wednesday NITE Life program.  Registration takes place by clicking the button below. Individual couple consultations may also be scheduled if the need arises.

Fee: None

Purpose: To prepare couples for marriage in the Orthodox Church.

Activity: Seminars consist of an explanation of various aspects of married life from Church and the wedding ceremony to communications, finances and a real relationship with each other.  Emphasis is on making the Lord Jesus Christ the third party of their relationship.  Sessions are about one and one-half hours long.


Contact: Fr. Paul or Fr. Christos at 404-633-5870.

Participation open to: Required of all prospective Godparents, parents are invited also.

Meetings are held: As part or our Wednesday NITE Life Program. 

Fee: None.

Purpose: This seminar helps prepare the prospective godparents and parents for the upcoming Baptism, by providing an explanation of the basics of the Orthodox faith and the theology of Baptism. The seminar gives an explanation of infant baptism, the biblical significance of baptism, and the symbolism of the service. Also, at this time, an explanation of items needed for the baptism is offered.  Registration takes place by clicking on the button below

Seminar Outline